Pyrenees Multi-Activity


Spain’s Culture, Gastronomic Richness, & Old-World Hospitality


SALVELINUS has uniquely served travel companions looking for fully guided tours, as well as anglers wishing to combine fly fishing with other high-end experiences since 1999..

Dream on Living in Another Era

Northern Spain’s architecture is equally as inviting as its history. Salvelinus will show you beautifully aged architecture dating back to prehistoric times, monasteries, castles, Romanesque jewels, and plenty of UNESCO sites.

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Leisure Gems Amid Gorgeous Countryside

Discover Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park, Aigüestortes, or Congost de Mont-rebei while enjoying the dramatic fauna of the Spanish Pyrenees; spot free-flying birds of prey, red deer, marmots, and the beautiful Pyrenean chamois.

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Pyrenees off the Mainstream Radar

A La Carte program with Salvelinus´s attention to detail, blending authentic lodges with delicious cuisine and wines, expert guidance, and unique local knowledge.