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Extraordinary Fly Fishing Adventures in Secret Spain, where Nothing is Left to Chance

From cozy lodges in tiny medieval villages, Salvelinus pairs exclusive-access waters with local bilingual guides and Mediterranean farm-to-table cuisine.

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An Absolute Must for the Well-Travelled Angler

Compared very favorably to the world’s finest, this hardworking operation is the only Orvis Fly Fishing International Destination of the Year from the Old World.

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Your Time is Safe in Our Hands

Area pioneer, Iván Tarín, has raised a team of in-house experts on a unique methodology to ensure maximum flexibility for each guest’ itinerary.

Real People, Unique Experiences

Enjoy the expertise of fly-fishing authority Ivan Tarin, who has grown a successful business around fishing and hospitality.

We don’t know of anyone who works harder than Salvelinus does to keep all of their guests happy.

The best of Spanish food, wine, culture and fly fishing with friendly personalized service and first-class accommodation.

Very seasoned and highly professional guide team that intimately understand the region´s many fishing options.

A welcoming lodge in a class of its own, run like a Swiss watch by a team of fantastic, knowledgeable people.

Trips with non-anglers and or multi-lodges are logistically complex, but not a problem at all for Salvelinus.

The fishing is reminiscent of that of the American Wild West, with a richer overall experience.

Salvelinus offers unrivalled knowledge of its fishery, including world-class trout fishing along some countless treasures.

Definitively a different fishing trip down to ‘attention to detail’ by Ivan and his guides: the superb hosts of the Spanish Pyrenees.

This is proper trout fishing for good-sized wild trout with true professionals guiding for two decades.

These guides have discovered a wonderful fishery through more than a quarter century of research and trial-and-error.

Half a dozen of 25+ inch. browns were gulping insects in slow surges that brought their dark backs out of the slack current.

Ivan and his team of expert fishing guides have created a master compendium of off-the-beaten path fishy havens.

Iván, with the help of his friends, guests, and guides, has taken it upon himself to restore stretches of several Pyrenees rivers. 

The finest, most detailed, and gifted outfitter I have ever fished with, after 25 years hosting trips worldwide.